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Choosing Linens for Round Tables

While there are many sizes of tables, several are most common among event venues. Rectangular tables are usually 6ft or 8ft long. Round tables (for guests) are typically 60” (5ft) or 72” (6ft) round. All tables are 30” off the ground.

Don't make the mistake of getting the TABLE size and the CLOTH size mixed up. To decide on a cloth size, you first need to decide if you want the linen to come to the floor or not. For example, if the cloth will go to the floor on a round 60” table, then the cloth size needs to be 30” for EACH side floor to tabletop PLUS the width of the table, thus 30” + 30” + 60” = 120 RD.

Download our Linen Planning Guide to see a chart which will help you visualize this.

There are three main options for round tables: Seat length, ¾ length, or floor length. Overlays may be added to a round table, as well. A 90-Square cloth works as an accent for both a 60 or 72 inch table. Still have questions? Contact us for help.

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